Can I stop Infix checking for updates each time it starts?
Infix version 4 checks the Windows registry to determine if it should check for updates each time it starts. By default the registry setting is true but this can be changed by editing the registry. This can be done by downloading and running this regedit script.
Infix version 5 sets the auto update option during installation. To change the setting, simply re-install Infix again and make your choice.
How do I perform a silent install whilst still having control over the installation choices?
With either Infix version 4, 5 or 6, run:
InfixSetup.exe /SAVEINF=“mychoices.inf”
After installation is complete a new file “mychoices.inf” will be created in the same folder as the installer. This file records all of the choices you made during the install such as printer driver installation, shortcuts etc.
For additional installs you can now run:
InfixSetup.exe /LOADINF=“mychoices.inf” /VERYSILENT /NORESTART
The Infix installer is built using InnoSetup and consequently offers many more command line parameters.
Can I edit files from my scanner?
If your documents are simple scans then “No.” A scan of a page is just a photo of a page with no real text or objects of any kind besides a single, page-sized image. Some scanner software includes an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) facility which should be able to convert the image into editable, text items. If the text produces by this process is hidden in the PDF, use the Document->OCR Corrections… menu in Infix to edit it. Otherwise, just edit the text as normal.
What is “Overset text”?
When there is too much text to fit inside a text box, the text box is classed as being “overset” and the overflowing text is made invisible. Sometimes this can happen as a result of an edit or a search and replace operation. Infix adds a red box to text boxes when they become overset and also warns you when you save the document if there are any overset boxes. You can resolve the issue either by making the text box bigger or by making the text smaller or more tightly spaced.
If you ignore the warning and save your document with some text overset, the overflowing text remains in the PDF even though it will be invisible. You should be able to edit the document at any point in the future and fix the problem.
Can you insert symbols, such as accent marks, somehow?
Begin editing your text using the Text tool. From the main menu, choose Text->Character Palette… to see all the characters available in the various fonts embedded in your PDF plus those on your computer’s hard disc. Double-click on a character in the palette to insert it into your document.
Why can’t I edit a certain piece of text using the Text tool?
It may be one of three reasons:
- The text is an image
- The text is an illustration
- The text is locked.
You can check if the reason is (1) or (2) by viewing the PDF using View->Outlines mode. In outline mode, real text remains solid. All images become boxes with a diagonal cross and illustrations are shown as blue outlines. To check for (3), click the text using the Object tool. If locked, Infix will ask you if you want to unlock it. If it is none of these, please send us the PDF and we’ll take a look at it.
Why do all my PDFs display in blue outlines with no images?
You are viewing PDFs in outline mode. This mode is toggled using the View->Outlines menu option.
What kind of fonts can Infix load from my disc?
Infix version 3 and later can load any TrueType (.ttf) and OpenType (.otf) fonts held in your Windows Fonts directory.
There is a long delay between key stokes when editing. How can I fix this?
The delay may be due to two reasons:
- If you are editing part of a lengthy paragraph, Infix will take time to rejustify the text after each keystroke. Switch to left-align during editing may improve this.
- Complexity of the page. If you page has large images, patterns, shades or complex vector artwork, this will slow things down. Choose View->Outlines to switch to a simpler, faster page view to overcome this.
Editing tools are grayed-out and cannot be selected.
This is probably caused by the security restrictions of the document being viewed. Choose Document->Security… and check the access restrictions for the document. You may need to obtain a password in order to unlock the document.
Why do some hyperlinks move after editing?
Infix reflows text during editing but does not change the position of any hyperlink annotations as it does so. This means hyperlink and other kinds of annotation that used to sit over some text, may end up sitting over different text as the text reflows underneath them.
Why are some of the annotations in my document missing?
Infix version 1 only displays one kind of annotation – the ‘Iceni Table Box’ annotation as created by Infix or Iceni’s Gemini software. All other kinds of annotation will still be retained in the PDF after editing, but will not be visible. Infix version 2 display sticky note and hyperlink annotations also.
How do I make text bold or italic?
In versions of Infix prior to version 4, bold text can only be made if the bold version of a font is available in the document. The same is true of italic and bold Italic text Underlined text (& strike-out) can be created using the underline button and strike-out menus in Infix 2 onwards.
Why do pink space characters appear outside of some text boxes?
When determining the size of a block of text, Infix ignores spaces at the end of lines. These spaces will normally appear to lay beyond the right hand edge of text boxes.
What do all the pink rectangles mean?
When you use the “Selection Tool” (black arrow on the toolbar) all clipping paths on the page show up as pink/magenta rectangles.
Clip paths are used in PDF to hide parts of images (and sometimes text) and are normally invisible. They can effect the way you edit text and graphics and so Infix shows you where they are by outlining them in pink. When you save your document, the clipping paths will once again be invisible.
Upgrading from version 5 to version 6 on the Mac
If you already have version 5 installed on your Macintosh, you need to remove the preferences folder before trying to use version 6. To do this, go to your Home folder (choose Go->Home in the Finder) then navigate to Libraries then Application Support. You should find a folder called “Infix Pro”. Delete this folder. You should now be ready to run version 6.
Accessing external drives on MacOSX
The Macintosh version of Infix uses a non-standard file selection dialogue box. To access PDFs on your external drives choose ‘/’ from the Look in: drop-down menu. Then choose Volumes in the folder list below. You should then be able to see your external drives.
How do I edit upside down text?
Infix does not deal with 180degree rotated text very well.
Please click anywhere on the page with the text or object tools,
Turn on text boundaries using View->Text->Boundaries
Then rotate the page by 180 degrees using Document->Pages->Rotate…
Then drag out a new text box around existing blocks of text that have not formed correctly.
Then choose Text->Text Box->Rebuild
Repeat this for each block of text that has not formed correctly (because it was upside down before you rotated the page).
Once fixed, export the document (Document->Translate->CAT Export…) and save the tagged version.
When you reload the translation you can rotate the page back again to its original rotation.