Is there any way to get italics/bold/underlining from the Studio 2019 editor into the final PDFs produced via TransPDF?
Is there any way to get italics/bold/underlining from the Studio 2019 editor into the final PDFs produced via TransPDF?
The XLIFF generated by TransPDF contains names of text format tags which represent actual formatting used in the original PDF (combinations of bold, italic, font size, colour etc).
When the XLIFF is imported back into the PDF, only these tags are recognised which means you can only use text styles which were present in the original PDF - you cannot create new ones.
OK, thanks!
No idea how hard this would be to implement, but it would be a great additionakl feature, as I often add italics when translating. Not so bothered by bold or underlining, but I also use them occasionally.
Possible idea for a workaround: when translating in Studio, mark anything you want to appear in e.g. italics as example phrase, and do a find and replace on them afterwards in Infix?
Can you give me an example of XLIFF that includes your added bold or italic? Is it simply a or tag around some text?
Sure, here is an example of what it would look like in your .xlf file:
Result: there was a prohibited overlap of services / independence conflict and thus a violation of Section 24b of the Audit Firms Supervision Act (Wet toezicht accountantsorganisaties, Wta).
which looks as follows in the Studio segment editor:
Result: there was a prohibited overlap of services / independence conflict and thus a violation of Section 24b of the Audit Firms Supervision Act (Wet toezicht accountantsorganisaties, Wta).
It is relatively simple to surround bits of text with bold, italics and underline with an AutoHotkey script in the Studio editor.
Can you show me also what it would look like if your original text contained references to , etc?
For example, if this message itself was your original text, how would it look in XLIFF with and without your additional bold, italic formatting.
I’m confused how you would distinguish between a bold section and a section that talks about the bold formatting characters themselves.