can spacing of text and between words be applied to a whole document


after lots of copying and pasting, I continually have to apply space between letters and words.

I can’t seem to do this on one go for the entire document but only by text box.

Is there a way to do it in one go please?


It is uncommon to have to adjust spacing between characters. Does the document you are working on have very wide or narrow spacing that you are trying to replicate?
If not, please send us the document and explain what we should do to replicate the problem.

Hi Guy

No doubt I don’t quite understand spacing yet cos when I look at the spacing of the document and a text box, often, there is no spacing in it (the boxes are empty)

As I’ve said before, sometimes after adding words, they jump to the next line and the spacing is ‘reasonable’ while at other times, it becomes too crammed which is why i end up setting the spacing instructions for each text box

I won’t send you anything this time as I need get used to spacing

It was more of a general question than anything else
