I have a Mac with the Mavericks OS installed - 10.9.5
I downloaded Infix and installed it, however when I try to run it, I receive an error. When starting the program, I see a message that it is ‘verifying Infix’. After a moment, I see this error ---- “Infix” can’t be opened because the identity of the developer cannot be confirmed.
Any suggestions? I have heard good things about this software and am trying to test it before approving it for a client.
It looks like this may be an issue with the latest version of Mavericks - 10.9.5
We will look into resolving this as soon as possible. In the meantime you should be able to run Infix by right clicking it and selecting “Open” from the popup menu. A dialog will be displayed with the message:
“Infix” can’t be opened because the identity of the developer cannot be confirmed.
but there will be a button to Open the application anyhow.
Thanks, Simon.
Thanks scrowfoot. I was able to finally get it opened. Using steps similar to your recommendation.
Thanks for your help!