Hello Infix
You know that I normally use Infix to translate pdf files inside CAT tools (MemQ)
Well, I’m sorry to have to post such a long question, but for every option that MemoQ offers me when I feed in your xlm file, I wonder if you could make a comment where possible as to which option I should chose if you happen to know
Here are some of the options (just the first tab in MemoQ) that I’m invited to decide but never quite know how to respond:
DTD or namespace URI: Specifies the name of the DTD file or the namespace in the XML schema that will be associated with the format. Associating a DTD or an XML namespace with the format allows memoQ to automatically select the format configuration when importing documents that contain a reference to the same DTD file or namespace.
Import XML comments: If you enable this option, XML comments will be imported from documents as translatable text.
Detect encoding if possible: If enabled, memoQ will attempt to detect the encoding based on information in the document to be imported.
Input encoding if not specified: Here you can define what encoding memoQ will use when importing a document without an encoding declaration.
Output encoding: Defines the encoding of the translated documents memoQ exports. You can choose a specific encoding or use the same encoding as the original.
Write BOM for Unicode-encoded files at export: Check this if you want memoQ to write a byte-order mark at the beginning of the exported file. Some content management systems require this.
Normalize whitespace by default: If enabled, memoQ will convert sequences of tab, space or newline characters into a single space character. In addition, sequences of whitespace at the beginning and end of elements will be trimmed. Normalization is recommended when the XML document uses whitespace characters for readability only. This setting adjusts the default behavior for the XML format, but normalization can also be adjusted on the tag level.
Observe xml:space attribute in file: XML documents can contain attributes that prescribe whether or not whitespace should be normalized in a specific element. If this option is enabled, memoQ will follow such instructions in the document. If it is disabled, memoQ will treat whitespace according to its global and tag level settings.
· Break segments at newlines if whitespace is preserved: Check this check box if you want memoQ to treat newline characters as segment boundaries. Text in XML files can contain newline characters if you choose to preserve whitespace. memoQ preserves whitespace when the Normalize whitespace by default check box is turned off. In this case, newline characters supposedly have a meaning in the text, and most of the time each line should be translated as a separate segment. The general advice is, turn on Break segments at newlines… if you choose to turn off Normalize whitespace by default.
Import processing instructions as inline tags: Check this check box to import processing instructions as inline tags. Processing instructions like <$ are now represented with uninterpreted tags. This check box is enabled by default. XML processing instructions were previously handled as {} tags, now they have a special tag: mq:pi.
Restore custom entities in export: Check this check box to export all characters included in custom entity rules in their custom entity format. (In our example, ‘©’ entered into the target side will be exported as ‘©right;’.) Uncheck this check box to export all characters included in custom entity rules as Unicode characters. (In our example, ‘©’ entered into the target side will be exported as ‘©’.)
Log warnings during import: If this option is enabled, memoQ will create a list of technical irregularities encountered in the source document during import, and save that list into a text file.
XSLT file text box: For XML files, memoQ by default creates a preview that shows the XML code of the file. In such a preview, memoQ uses some colors and formatting to make the code easy to read, and to show which parts were imported for translation, which are marked as non-translatable, etc. In this text box, you can specify another XML style sheet that will be used to create the preview. To locate and specify the XSLT files, click the … button next to the text box.