I have received a PDF file that has TAB characters instead of spaces. I couldn’t find a way to search for characters having the ASCII code less than 32.
Is there any solution?
I have received a PDF file that has TAB characters instead of spaces. I couldn’t find a way to search for characters having the ASCII code less than 32.
Is there any solution?
Are the tabs causing an issue for you? I think they converted to spaces when you export to other formats.
What are you trying to do with the PDF?
As for find and replace, have you tried selecting one of the tabs then opening the find/replace dlg? It will then be pre-populated with the selected tab character and you may then be able to replace with space.
Are the tabs causing an issue for you?
Of course. The text doesn’t look right when fully justified If there are tabs instead of spaces.
What are you trying to do with the PDF?
Print it.
As for find and replace, have you tried selecting one of the tabs then opening the find/replace dlg? It will then be pre-populated with the selected tab character and you may then be able to replace with space.
That was the first thing i tried. Not working. Infix doesn’t cînd the selectez tab caracter.[/quote]
Infix lacks the possibility of finding special caractere. I suggest looking at Notepad++ text editor for inspiration. For instance, finding a tab means looking for \t (escape syntax). Same Goes for return, linefeed, etc.
Can you send me the PDF in question?
I have done this kind of find/replace in the past so I’d be interested to see why it doesn’t appear to work this time.
You can email the document to sales@iceni.com or if it’s too big, we can provide you with an FTP address.
Guy, did you find a solution to this in the end? If so, could you share it?
Can you send me (sales@iceni.com) a sample PDF and tell me which characters you need to replace?
We will then look into the issue and get back to you.