Hi there! I bought a license for Infix. I have just finished a translation in MemoQ v6 and reconverted the XLF file to PDF. How do I remove the transpdficeni.com watermark from the translated PDF file?
I would be very grateful for a swift reply since I have to deliver the translation very soon.
Kind regards,
Can you tell me your username on the transpdf system? I will then be able to look into further. Alternatively, log-in to transpdf.iceni.com and then press the ‘Get Help’ button next to your PDF. It will then show up in our support system.
Can you tell me your username on the transpdf system? I will also need some way of finding your license key - perhaps the first 4 or 5 characters of your key would be sufficient. Once I have both, I can connect your transpdf account to your Infix license. You should then be able to download a non-watermarked version of your translation.