Infix 6.16 is BETA?

If you look in Properties of Infix.exe file, you’ll see ‘Beta’ as description.
Is it a beta version or programmers forgot to put a correct description?
Because right now if I associate PDF file with Infix, when I right click a PDF file and choose Open with… I get ‘Beta’ instead of Infix. Open with Beta?? That’s lame.

And another thing: change log is NEVER updated when a new version is released. Somebody is very lazy…


Thank you for reporting the problem with the “Properties” of Infix. This problem hasd been logged and will be fixed shortly.

When we release a new version of Infix we hold out on changing the change log for a few days, just in case there are problems that need to be fixed. We will update the change log in the next few days.

