Is it possible to replace the color of a specific font in the program?

I see that it is possible to replace one font with another font. Or replace the color of the entire document.
But how to replace the color of only a specific font?

You can do this using the Find & Replace facility. What you want to do is search for a particular font and text colour but not any specific text. Then replace what’s found with a different colour but not alter the text.

Follow the steps below to do this:

  1. Select some of the text you want to replace using the Text tool.
  2. From the menu bar choose, Edit->Find & Replace->Replace…
  3. Uncheck the ‘Find’ checkbox.
  4. Click on the ‘Character Formatting’ link.
  5. Put a check in the ‘Fill’ checkbox and press OK.
  6. Back in the Find & Replace window, uncheck the ‘Replace’ checkbox.
  7. Click on the ‘reflow para’ link
  8. Make sure the ‘Apply style’ checkbox has a check in it.
  9. Put a check in the ‘Fill’ checkbox then choose a new fill colour by pressing the nearby colour button
  10. Change the ‘Reflow:’ option to ‘New text only’
  11. Press OK to get back to the Find & Replace window
  12. Click ‘Replace all’

Please get in touch again if you have any problems with the procedure.

Works, but only the first replacement.
When I make a replacement a second time, the text is not displayed correctly.

Can you send us the PDF so we can have a go?

Thanks for the PDF. What were you trying to change? We will do the same operation to see what happens.

Then you need the original file.
For example, change MimionPro-It font color.

I tried a replacement and noticed a problem with your PDF in Infix 7. We are investigating that issue now and will get back to you once we have a solution.
The procedure does work in Infix 6.
If you wish to download a copy of that from our website, you may use it instead. Get it from:
Let me know if you do and I will create a license key for you (Infix 7 keys do not work for Infix 6).

In version 6 it is not possible to change the color correctly.
I need a color like the one in the screenshot. I set the settings for this color in the menu:
But I get this:

Could you explain why the correct font color is not displayed after the replacement in the sixth version of the program?