Pages not displaying any content after compiling and saving from Infix

Good day,

Please note that I am in a position where users who create a .PDF withing Infix V6.5 from various other PDF documents. While viewing these PDF documents in Infix all the pages display correct with all the data on each page but once you save the compiled PDF and open that saved PDF with Adobe Reader then it displays the first 14 pages as blank white pages. This appears to occur intermittently.

Would anyone have some advice to the above please.

Kind Regards


Unfortunately Infix 6.5 is a legacy product and we no longer support it or do updates for it.

We released a new major version, Infix 7, over a year ago and this is the only product that we can release fixes for.

I strongly recommend that you give Infix 7 a try as it is very likely that the problem will not occur using the current major version of the software.

If the problem does still occur we can then get it fixed in Infix 7.

You can download the demo version of Infix 7 for evaluation purposes from the following link:

Details on pricing, licenses and to make a purchase can be found at the following link.



Good day Martin,

Than you for your prompt feedback. I will relay that back to the client and get their feedback.

Kind Regards