Unable to open pdf file with Infix Pro 7 with Finder in OSX 10.13.5

I have just installed Infix Pro V7 on my Mac running OSX 10.13.5
With the Finder in my home folder if I right clic on a PDF file no choice is listed to select and/or edit the file.
I need to select “All applications” first then select Infix 7 to try to open the file.
But there is a fatal error launching Infix saying that no Windows application file defined…???
Infix stayed open that it.

Do you have any clue , idea ?
I confirm that I can open the file directly with Infix



Thank you for bringing this problem to our attention. We will look into it and try to resolve in the next point release of Infix version 7.

Regards, Simon.

I am nw in Catalina and Infix 7 does not run/open…

How do I fix it ?

thanks you for your help.
